Writing & Editing of All Types

Browse a wide variety of writing and editing samples.

Writing & Editing sample Writing & Editing sample

A Guide to QuarkXPress, and
A Guide to Color Management and Prepress.
Books edited by Philip Tobias.

Editing Samples

View or download these technical editing samples. Some of the samples are in PDF format, which requires Adobe Reader to view or print.

Marketing Writing Samples

View or download these marketing writing ("marcom") samples:

Multimedia Writing Samples

Play an audio script that was written and directed by Philip Tobias. The audio requires an MP3 player. Also view tradeshow videos with text by Philip Tobias. The silent tradeshow videos require a player for either MP4 (.mp4), QuickTime (.mov), or Windows Media Video (.wmv). Because of the large file sizes, the videos may take some time to display.

Numerous additional audio and video script writing samples can be demonstrated in person. These include many more audio voice-over script samples, as well as studio videos with extensive actor's speech.

Technical Writing Samples

View or download these technical writing samples. In addition, be sure to see the above editing samples, as well as the below online help samples.

Want to explore technical writing samples that are online help systems? Download the first file to a Windows computer (right-click link and select Save Target As..., then save the file with a .chm extension). Finally, open and explore the Compiled HTML Help file. Or view the second file online, simply by clicking the link. Both online help systems were designed and written by Philip Tobias:

Various Writing Samples

View or download these miscellaneous writing samples.

Many other samples are also available. They include books, magazine articles, online help, e-learning and multimedia programs, videos, and more. Browse all the online samples. Then ask to see additional samples in person.

Writing & Editing sample Writing & Editing sample

- A Preview to QuarkXPress, and
Global Communications: A Guide to International Publishing.
Books edited by Philip Tobias.

Let Philip Tobias Write & Edit your Business/Communications...